July 19th 2018
7:30 pm - Spring Creek Middle School
The following organizations will present at our July meeting:
Cache Refugee and Immigrant Connection
World Joy
SeeMe- presentation postponed for October meeting
Meeting Presenters
The following organizations have been selected (by drawing out of a hat) to be voted on at our July 2018 meeting. Representatives from each charity will give a five-minute presentation to the group prior to voting. We will then select one of the three to receive $100 from each or our members.

The mission of the Refugee Connection (CRIC) is to promote integration, economic self-sufficiency, and positive connections among refugees, immigrants, and the wider community through two-way education, improved access to existing services, and development of new services.
Each week we help refugees and immigrants cross cultural and language barriers during our walk-in hours, study groups focused on preparing for the Utah driver's license written test and the United States nationalization test.

World Joy was founded in 2005 as a public, United States-based, charitable organization with its purpose to improve the lives of Ghana citizens living within a rural 13-village area of the Atiwa District (Eastern Region) of Ghana, West Africa.

At SeeeMe (Sustainable Engineering, Economics, and Education), we believe that serving others can affect those serving as much as those being served. SeeeMe recently built a school near Mbale, Uganda. We also organize teams of volunteers once or twice a year to travel to Uganda and conduct specific projects requested by small, usually remote, village communities, primary schools and orphanages.
Selected Charity
At our meeting, we voted for... WORLD JOY!
If you were unable to attend, check your email for instructions on where to send your check or simply notify us via email at 100cachevalleywomenwhocare@gmail.com and we will send you the address of where to send your check. You can also pay directly via the World Joy website: worldjoyghana.org. Thanks!!